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Articles in Category: Insights


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Automagically Email Your Infusionsoft Contacts When You Update Your Blog or Feed

With FeedBolt, simply enter your blog URL, select an Infusionsoft Tag, and choose your template. FeedBolt takes care of the rest.

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Working from Home: Setting Boundaries - Physical and Psychological

Working from Home: Setting Boundaries - Physical and Psychological

On the surface, working from home sounds like a walk in the park. But, in reality, more than two-thirds of employees are experiencing burnout, according to a survey from Monster. This is likely due to a lack of time off, feelings of job insecurity and financial anxiety, childcare issues, and blurred lines between personal and professional time.

If you’re working from home and feel like your professional life is invading your personal life, and you lack a work-life balance, it’s time to set both physical and psychological boundaries.

Surviving the Summer Heat

Surviving the Summer Heat

Summer is here and with it comes heat and more heat. That means it’s really essential that we pay attention to staying hydrated.

Dehydration is a serious matter and nothing to mess around with. Seniors, children, and anyone with an acute or chronic medical condition are especially at risk.

What I Learned From Dad

What I Learned From Dad

What are the 5 most important things you learned from your father? 

Father’s Day is right around the corner, on Sunday, June 20th. This is a good time to give some thought to what the ‘old man’ taught you and show him appreciation for it. Even if your dad is no longer around, it can be beneficial for you to take a few minutes and remember the tips and life wisdom he gave you as you were growing up.




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Summer Heat

Summer Heat

We all know with summer comes the heat! It's so important to be aware of the dangers of heat and how to keep safe.

Elderly people (that is, people aged 65 years and older) are more prone to heat stress than younger people for several reasons:

  • Elderly people do not adjust as well as young people to sudden changes in temperature.
  • They are more likely to have a chronic medical condition that changes normal body responses to heat.
  • They are more likely to take prescription medicines that impair the body's ability to regulate its temperature or that inhibit perspiration.


JoomFuse has changed the rules of membership management. . . forever.

Joomla! + Infusionsoft = JoomFuse! JoomFuse integrates your Joomla! website with your Infusionsoft to content access and membership status, hands-free for you!

Manage infinite levels of paid (or free) membership using JoomFuse to integrate the automation of Infusionsoft with the power of Joomla. You control who gets access to what content... and when. JoomFuse manages access and action triggers for you, driven by Infusionsoft tags. No more duct-taping third-party software programs to try to get what you need to manage your membership (subscription) programs. Now you can sleep at night knowing it's taken care of for you.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

Strategies for Reducing Sales Prevention in Your Company

Strategies for Reducing Sales Prevention in Your Company

Sales prevention issues show up in businesses of all sizes and in all industries—and are almost always unintentional consequences of internal policies put into place for the good of the company. Any rule that you have that’s good for the company’s internal operations, but bad for your customer, is something that is causing sales prevention.

While internal policies, procedures, and systems are important and keep the business running efficiently, they may actually inhibit sales by making it harder for your customers to get the help they need, or for your employees to help the customers.

Working from Home in 2021: A Culture Shift

Working from Home in 2021: A Culture Shift

There’s no questioning it—the COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread work-from-home movement has created a massive culture shift that will leave permanent marks on corporate culture.

A company’s culture is the organization’s values, ideals, attitudes, and goals, so it’s really no surprise that it’s shifted due to recent events. Especially since many of us, as individuals, have re-evaluated our priorities and life goals in the last year.

How to Stop Your Desk From Hurting You

How to Stop Your Desk From Hurting You

Your neck and shoulders are so stiff you’re convinced they’ll crumble to dust if you try to move too suddenly. What in the world did you do? Maybe the culprit is closer than you think. 

Every year thousands of work hours are lost because of repetitive-motion injuries caused by, of all things: just sitting at your desk. 

5 Things You Need to Get Right about Customer Service

5 Things You Need to Get Right about Customer Service

There’s an old saying that no matter what business you’re in, you’re in the people business. Why? Your customers are people and without them, there is no business. Even if you don’t make your living dealing with the general public, customer service is still a huge priority, and here are 5 things you need to get right about it.