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Articles in Category: Insights

What Social Media Platforms Are Best for Your Business in 2021?

What Social Media Platforms Are Best for Your Business in 2021?

In 2021, businesses are expected to have a presence on social media if they would like to be seen as credible, trustworthy, and easy to work with. But with so many social media platforms to choose from, it can be challenging to determine which ones you should be spending your time on to attract more business, and which ones you should stay off of. So, we created a breakdown of the top 7 platforms businesses should consider in 2021:


JoomFuse has changed the rules of membership management. . . forever.

Joomla! + Infusionsoft = JoomFuse! JoomFuse integrates your Joomla! website with your Infusionsoft to content access and membership status, hands-free for you!

Manage infinite levels of paid (or free) membership using JoomFuse to integrate the automation of Infusionsoft with the power of Joomla. You control who gets access to what content... and when. JoomFuse manages access and action triggers for you, driven by Infusionsoft tags. No more duct-taping third-party software programs to try to get what you need to manage your membership (subscription) programs. Now you can sleep at night knowing it's taken care of for you.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

What’s New for Your Business in Google?

What’s New for Your Business in Google?

Keeping your Google My Business listing up to date is essential for boosting your local presence, showing up in Google Maps searches, gaining credibility in the eyes of your customers, increasing traffic to your website, boosting sales, and more. 

And part of maintaining a relevant Google My Business listing is keeping up with any changes that Google rolls out.

Secure Managed Website Hosting

 Zacaw Website Hosting

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Secure Managed 
Website Hosting 

Multiple layers of hacker protection including anti-sniffing, anti-spoofing firewall and intrusion detection protect your company’s valuable data and reputation. Look no further for an extremely secure and highly scalable hosting platform backed by our personal support.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


I LOVE OnceHub!

I LOVE OnceHub!

Normally I don’t rhapsodize about an app but ScheduleOnce by OnceHub is truly worth it. In short, it’s a scheduling app. But that’s like saying Google is just search software.

Several years ago we were consistently frustrated trying to schedule meetings with prospects and clients because of the time and repeated communications trying to nail down a time that was convenient to both parties. Multiple calls and/or emails back and forth - Them: “Can you meet with me sometime next week?” Us: “Sure, how about Tuesday afternoon at 1pm? If that’s not good, give me some dates and times that work for you.” Them: “No I’m busy on Tuesday. Can you do Wednesday or Thursday?” And so on, and so on. You get the picture. Heck, you’ve probably been there yourself.

Time for a new solution! We found ScheduleOnce when it was relatively new to the game and realized it had the potential to streamline the whole meeting process for us.

Is a Personal Trainer for You?

Is a Personal Trainer for You?

You’ve jogged along the same path for months but still haven’t noticed much difference when you look in the mirror. You’ve done so many sit-ups your brain is starting to go numb. Is it time to invest in a personal trainer to achieve your fitness goals?

Give Thanks by Giving Back

Give Thanks by Giving Back

Thanksgiving is a time for fun and family and maybe a little turkey and football. It’s also a time to count your blessings and to give thanks, and there’s no better way to do it than by passing on some blessings to others. 

Everyone has some talent or skill, and chances are you have one that might benefit others. Why not share it by teaching a class through your local community center, even if it is online? You’re not just giving others a one-time gift, you are imparting knowledge and experience that will last someone a lifetime.

The Value of Reading to Your Children (Even When They Can Read)

The Value of Reading to Your Children (Even When They Can Read)

We know deep down that what children need most is quality time with their parents. Too often though, we find ourselves overwhelmed at the costs and time involved in the extra-curricular activities we feel our kids must do in order to become well-rounded human beings. 

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a cheap way to take them on an amazing adventure that they'll remember all their lives? 

Go Nuts!

Go Nuts!

A famous candy bar slogan reads “Sometimes you feel like a nut…” Well, they weren’t just talking about your mental state. Nuts can be a tasty part of a healthy diet, but they can be a little tricky to include. Read on for ways to maximize the health benefits of nuts.

Nuts contain good nutrients like healthy fats, protein, fiber, and vitamin E. These substances are great for the health of your heart and your blood. Fat and fiber can help you feel full while eating less food. Vitamin E is also great for your skin and hair. 

Off When You're Off - Disconnect Entirely from Work and Goals When You Need Downtime

Off When You're Off - Disconnect Entirely from Work and Goals When You Need Downtime

Do you find yourself checking emails, taking care of loose ends and making work calls on the weekend, late into the evening or while you’re on vacation? If you answered yes, you need to read this now!

Studies show that failing to disconnect from work results in several negative side effects. But first, don’t worry. You’re not alone! Nearly 70 percent of Americans put in a full workday at least once weekend a month, according to a study by Enterprise Rent-A-Car. 

Healthy Attitudes

Healthy Attitudes

“It’s all in your head.” This isn’t usually a kind or positive statement. However, everyday stories and scientific research agree on one point. The human brain is capable of amazing things. In fact, your thoughts and attitudes may have a powerful impact on achieving success, finding good fortune, or even just being happy.


Once Hub


Make more connections with an integrated scheduling platform

ScheduleOnce/OnceHub is a field-proven solution for powering online scheduling with your customers and prospects.

Solutions for every phase of the customer lifecycle


Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


It's that time of year - Showing Your Gratitude for Your Employees and Customers

It's that time of year - Showing Your Gratitude for Your Employees and Customers

It’s the season of thanksgiving and that means showing your employees and customers how grateful you are for them. After all, both groups are essential to your company’s success. 

When your employees feel valued, your company will enjoy many benefits, such as increased trust between employee and employer, higher productivity levels, decreased employee turnover, and positive brand reputation. Make them feel valued by integrating these tactics into your company policy:


JoomFuse has changed the rules of membership management. . . forever.

Joomla! + Infusionsoft = JoomFuse! JoomFuse integrates your Joomla! website with your Infusionsoft to content access and membership status, hands-free for you!

Manage infinite levels of paid (or free) membership using JoomFuse to integrate the automation of Infusionsoft with the power of Joomla. You control who gets access to what content... and when. JoomFuse manages access and action triggers for you, driven by Infusionsoft tags. No more duct-taping third-party software programs to try to get what you need to manage your membership (subscription) programs. Now you can sleep at night knowing it's taken care of for you.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.