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Articles in Category: Insights

Fall Foliage Trips

Fall Foliage Trips

The days grow shorter. The kids (at least some of them) are back to school. The sweltering summer heat gives way to crisp mornings and falling leaves. For many of us, autumn is a beautiful, magical time when the trees are ablaze with various shades of red, gold and yellow.

If you enjoy traveling to view the fall colors, here are four great places to consider:


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Keep Safe in the Water This Summer

Keep Safe in the Water This Summer

The summer sun is baking everything in sight. You can watch the heat ripple and you wonder how everything doesn’t melt like one of those clocks in a Salvador Dali painting. Sounds like a great time for a swim. But while you’re imagining that cool water washing over you, it’s also a time to remember some basic swimming safety. 


JoomFuse has changed the rules of membership management. . . forever.

Joomla! + Infusionsoft = JoomFuse! JoomFuse integrates your Joomla! website with your Infusionsoft to content access and membership status, hands-free for you!

Manage infinite levels of paid (or free) membership using JoomFuse to integrate the automation of Infusionsoft with the power of Joomla. You control who gets access to what content... and when. JoomFuse manages access and action triggers for you, driven by Infusionsoft tags. No more duct-taping third-party software programs to try to get what you need to manage your membership (subscription) programs. Now you can sleep at night knowing it's taken care of for you.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

Exercising in Hot Weather

Exercising in Hot Weather

Summer already? It was such a short time ago that some of us had two, three, or as much as four feet of snow in our yards. Now that the weather is heating up, make sure you're prepared for the high temperatures.

Start slow. You can't start exercising in the heat without a little preparation. Shorter workouts outdoors are in order, until you've acclimated yourself to the hot weather.

Dom's 5 Hottest Picks for Infusionsoft Apps

Dom's 5 Hottest Picks for Infusionsoft Apps

Keap and Infusionsoft by Keap are extremely powerful marketing platforms that do so much well, but every once in a while you need a little help from your friends. 

By friends, I mean 3rd party products that add even more functionality to the Keap platforms. Think of it like turning Keap into the Hulk….they are green after all!

There are many great products out there and I had a really hard time narrowing it down to just 5, but if I didn’t this article would be 20 pages long!

Laughter - The Best Medicine

Laughter - The Best Medicine

Laughing just feels good. When you laugh really hard, tears may fill your eyes and your stomach may hurt, but it stills feels good. Laughter is fun. Probably some of your best memories are of you and your friends or family laughing together. You always remember a funny movie or a really good joke that made you laugh out loud. Laughter brings joy to your life.

What's New on Instagram?

What's New on Instagram?

With 1 billion active users, Instagram is a valuable tool for marketing across a variety of industries. As a business owner, it is important to keep up with the big players in social networking in order to stay competitive in your industry—which is why we’ve put together a list of new changes to Instagram that you should know about and use to leverage your business.

The Art of Watermelon Carving

The Art of Watermelon Carving

Do you think of yourself as an artist? When famed abstract artist Jackson Pollock referred to an artist, he meant anyone who is “building things.... some with a brush, some with a shovel, some choose a pen.” If your idea of creativity is building something from a watermelon, Pollock would have certainly approved!

Fruit carving, called Mukimono in Japan, has a long history, perhaps dating as far back as the 7th century AD. Watermelons have traditionally been carved into vessels to hold a candle, much like today's jack o' lanterns, or made into baskets to hold flowers or fruit, but mostly these fruits are carved to add an artistic presentation to the table.

Learning to Write SMART Goals

Learning to Write SMART Goals

Many entrepreneurs lament over the feeling of not accomplishing everything they want to, despite the fact that they’re working hard and putting long hours into their business. When we speak to business owners who feel this way, we recommend that they learn how to write SMART Goals.

SMART Goals help people achieve their objectives by clarifying their ideas, focusing their efforts and using time and resources wisely.