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Articles in Category: Insights


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ScheduleOnce/OnceHub is a field-proven solution for powering online scheduling with your customers and prospects.

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Getting Ready For Q3: What Are Your Goals?

Getting Ready For Q3: What Are Your Goals?

When Walt Disney set out to create Disneyland, his goal was simple. All he wanted was to make a magical place where families’ dreams would come true. It didn’t happen overnight, of course. It took a year and a day of construction and over $17 million just to get it opened. 

Can you imagine tackling that “simple” task? Disney might have been a visionary, but even he knew that goal was huge. When we make our business goals broad and overreaching, we can easily become overwhelmed. That’s why we need to break them down into quarterly goals that are far more achievable. This is where SMART goals come in. To be most effective, your goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Among other things, being ‘Smart’ about your goals helps keep you on track and gives you a way to measure your progress

Summer Bicycle Safety

Summer Bicycle Safety

It’s summertime and kids can’t wait to get out on their bikes on any sunny day. Depending on where you live, your children might already be out, buzzing around the neighborhood. 

Bicycling accidents are too frequent and nothing to mess around with. Here are some safety tips for you and your kids to think about:

SMS - Keap Integration

Text Messaging for KEAP

Change the RULES of Mobile Marketing.

Before now, mobile marketing was severely limited. You could only send a single text in response to a single incoming text message. This caused people using mobile marketing to settle for less than effective marketing strategies.

Try Automated SMS for Only $1!

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

Work-Life Balance Is Healthier For You and Your Business

Work-Life Balance Is Healthier For You and Your Business

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could leave work at the office? Imagine getting home, kicking your shoes off and never giving work another thought until clocking in the next day? For many self-employed persons, it’s almost impossible to separate work life from home life, and yet that’s one of the reasons so many people decide to go to work for themselves. 

Is it possible to obtain that perfect work-life balance? 

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Leveraging Your Experience and Knowledge

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Leveraging Your Experience and Knowledge

Have you ever noticed how many of our work-related clichés are OLD? “Put your nose to the grindstone, your shoulder to the wheel.” “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Even the relatively new saying, “work smarter, not harder” has been around since the 1930s. It can make you wonder if these old platitudes have anything to do with the modern world today. 

A message from Kerry

A message from Kerry

With all the tumult and challenges of the past couple of years, we are so looking forward to peace and quiet over the holiday break and we bet you are too.

We plan to take this opportunity to regroup, breathe deeply and intentionally, and appreciate each moment for what it is. Enjoy and make merry. Go back to the basics of the holiday. Remember what makes us happy. Try to put the sadness in perspective.

Behind the Scenes of Our Favorite Christmas Classics

Behind the Scenes of Our Favorite Christmas Classics

Have you ever watched a great movie or television show and been so wrapped up in it that you went to the Internet to find out more? Maybe you watched ‘Behind the Scenes’ videos or read about the personal lives of the cast. With that in mind, let’s take a behind the scenes look at some of Hollywood’s greatest holiday stories.


FuseDesk helps you and your team WOW your customers with great service. Happy Customers stay with you longer, spend more, and spread the good word about your business.

FuseDesk was built for Your Business, Your Support Team, and Your Customers. With FuseDesk, it’s easy to get the key insights into how well your team is doing, delightful for the support team to use, and fast for customers to get care.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

Even in the Summer Your Prospective Customers Still Need What You Sell

Even in the Summer Your Prospective Customers Still Need What You Sell

Many businesses experience a slump between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Summer can be a slow time, and some may not see a sales rebound until Black Friday. In many cases, there are explanations: customers are on vacation, parents are busy with their kids’ activities, and so on. Sometimes that’s just the nature of your industry.

This doesn’t mean you should lock your doors for the summer. You may just need to rethink how and what you are communicating to your customers. The following steps can help you change your approach during rough times.

Summer Family Fun

Summer Family Fun

Summertime is a great time to be active with your family, but we can easily get bored with the same activities over and over again. Make this summer even more fun by trying some exciting new adventures.

Reach new heights by learning to rock climb. Interesting landscapes across the country challenge climbers to develop their skills and their strength. Experienced guides keep you safe and teach the correct methods. If you can’t stand the heat, look for an indoor climbing gym. There you can tackle climbing walls from beginner to expert without setting foot outdoors.

Hot dogs and fireworks, on July 2nd??

Hot dogs and fireworks, on July 2nd??

The smell of the grill, the sultry heat of a summer evening, fireworks lighting up the night— the 4th of July means summer is in full swing.

The tradition of celebrating the 4th of July goes back to the very beginning of the United States, though it wasn’t officially marked as a federal holiday until 1870. Back in the early days, red and blue paper was expensive and hard to come by so George Washington and his troops started using decorative greenery to mark the occasion.  

6 Ways to Unplug Your Kids This Summer

6 Ways to Unplug Your Kids This Summer

“It’s a nice day outside.  Why are you in here?”

You must have said it a thousand times, yet your kids are glued to their TV, video games and cell phones. Technology may be a part of modern life, but that doesn’t mean you have to let a perfectly good day go to waste. Here are some fun (and inexpensive) ways to unplug your kids this summer:


FuseDesk helps you and your team WOW your customers with great service. Happy Customers stay with you longer, spend more, and spread the good word about your business.

FuseDesk was built for Your Business, Your Support Team, and Your Customers. With FuseDesk, it’s easy to get the key insights into how well your team is doing, delightful for the support team to use, and fast for customers to get care.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.