When you hear the term “social media,” you probably think of all the big names—Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, and maybe even Pinterest. But did you know that there are actually hundreds of social media platforms available to you?
Most of them probably won’t become big names like the ones listed above, however, if your job requires you to specialize in social media, audience growth, online engagement, or any type of marketing, really—or if your company’s audience includes Millennials and Gen-Zs, then you should probably keep tabs on what is out there.
on Tuesday, 12 November 2019.
Posted in Insights
If you’ve decided to take a leap and create a membership site, the next big decision you need to make is whether or not you should include a community. In most cases, a community is a great idea, but there are a few things you need to consider before making a final decision. Here are the pros and cons:
on Tuesday, 15 October 2019.
Posted in Insights
Did you know that including a video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80 percent? Or that 55 percent of people watch videos online every day? We’re in a video marketing revolution, and if you haven’t joined in yet, you should… and quickly! Here are just a few more reasons why you need to get into the video marketing game now:
Appeal to all ages.
Members of Generation Z aren’t the only ones watching videos online. Millennials, Gen Y and Baby Boomers are also seeking out quality video content from the businesses they purchase from.
on Tuesday, 17 September 2019.
Posted in Insights
Nope, you’re not seeing things and we’re not crazy. Making a pie is just like starting a business and we’re going to explain how:
Determine the need for pie.
When you decide to make a pie, it’s because you’ve determined that there’s a need for a pie. Maybe it’s Thanksgiving or another special occasion, or maybe your child or spouse just REALLY wants one. The same applies when you decide to start a business: you’ve determined that there’s a need for the product or service that you’ll be offering and you commit to doing something about it.
on Tuesday, 20 August 2019.
Posted in Insights
In the last installment of our 6-Part List Building Series, we’re going to explain how you can use other people’s lists to build your own. And no, this does not mean buying email lists… that’s always a bad idea! However, collaborating with other businesses to promote each other, a technique known as co-marketing, is a great way to gain subscribers.
PRO tip: Always, yes ALWAYS, have a call-to-action so ‘other people’s customers’ can opt-in on YOUR list for something free or paid. That’s the secret to using other people’s lists to grow your own.
So here are five ways to collaborate with another business and use their list to build your own:
on Tuesday, 23 July 2019.
Posted in Insights
Speaking engagements are a great way to promote yourself amongst industry peers and to your audience. So, in this week’s installment of our 6-Part List-Building Series, we will provide you with four easy steps you can take to build your email list using speaking engagements.
on Tuesday, 25 June 2019.
Posted in Insights
We’re back with our 6 Part List-Building Series and this week we’re sharing 9 ways to build your list using social media:
Host a Facebook Live.
Facebook Lives are a great way to help your audience put a face to a name and feel more connected to your brand. During the recording, teach a concept or share actionable tips and strategies. Create additional useful content or a handout that contains all of the information you shared during the live stream and offer it to your audience—in exchange for their email, of course.
on Tuesday, 28 May 2019.
Posted in Insights
Let me ask you a few questions and I promise to give you the solutions:
- Is your lead tracking system disorganized (stacks of business cards, scribbled on notebooks, etc.)?
- Does it take you longer than a day or two to get back to prospects and clients?
- Have you ever forgotten to follow-up?
- Have you ever been too busy to follow-up?
- Have you ever let a hard-earned lead slip through the cracks?
on Tuesday, 19 February 2019.
Posted in Insights