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on Friday, 09 June 2017.
Posted in Business Strategy
One of our colleagues, a member of the Mastermind group we belong to, lives a very busy life, arguably busier than most. He’s a successful serial entrepreneur, most recently a Digital Marketing director for another agency, father of five, and reinventing himself after some health challenges. So when he recommended this productivity app, I listened.
It’s free, easy to use, and perfect for me. It’s called Pocket and it allows me to archive anything online that I want to read, watch, or listen to… later.
on Tuesday, 06 June 2017.
Posted in Business Strategy
There are all sorts of offices. Some are neat and so organized they look like they should be on the cover of a magazine. Others look like the summer home of the Absent-Minded Professor. When it comes down to getting things done though, it doesn’t really matter how pretty or messy your office is. The keys are being able to quickly figure out what you need to get done today and being able to find what you need to make it happen.
on Thursday, 01 June 2017.
Posted in Business Strategy
There’s a coffee lovers secret haven near us in the middle of a local suburban town. This shop is in the middle of an area where Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donut and Keurig abound. How they not only survive but thrive is all about personality. The personality of the location, the shop, the product, and the owners.
This little shop is a coffee roaster business set in a historic mill building next to a pictuesque pond and stream, across the street from a local farmer’s fields and farmstand. It’s charming inside and out. But their competition is fierce.
on Tuesday, 23 May 2017.
Posted in Business Strategy
“Words are free. It’s how you use them that may cost you.” ~ KushandWizdom
As children, we may have heard another saying about stick and stones and words never hurting us. As we grow older, we quickly learn it isn’t true. We know the power of words, and since they hold such power, we need to choose ours carefully.
For a business leader, this sentiment is even more important. In business speak, we learn to use words concisely because… well, time is money.
on Thursday, 18 May 2017.
Posted in Business Strategy
“Earn more than $100 dollars an hour working from home!”
Chances are you’ve seen at least one of these ads in your time, and you may have wondered what exactly it entailed. Working from home is the dream of many a cubicle dweller, not to mention more than a few of their bosses. Who wouldn’t want to say goodbye to rush hour traffic, snowy roads and crowded parking lots? But does the reality really live up to the hype?
on Thursday, 11 May 2017.
Posted in Business Strategy
I listened to the webinar on making your Joomla site speedy. I knew most of what was presented, but did learn a couple of interesting things. I'll outline them here in case you, like me, have holes in your optimization knowledge.
Written by Dom Cassone
on Tuesday, 09 May 2017.
Posted in Business Strategy
You know you should work out. Right?
We’ve all read the statistics about how it can make us more productive. You know it can help you be healthier and happier. You also know there’s another deadline coming up, you have a bunch of client meetings, and there isn’t a smidgeon of white space to be found anywhere on your schedule.
I’ve discovered it’s actually surprisingly easy to add some fitness routines to your day during those ‘stolen moments’ that almost every day has in there somewhere. Here are a half dozen that sound pretty cool to test out:
on Thursday, 04 May 2017.
Posted in Business Strategy, Life & Lifestyle