Master the Art of Staying Cool in Hot Weather

While basking in the sun's rays can be a joy, extreme heat can be life-threatening, especially for those with chronic health conditions.
Heatwaves are becoming more frequent and severe, a stark reminder of the escalating impact of climate change. The question is, how can we swiftly and effectively shield ourselves and our loved ones from this summer's scorching heat?
Here are some essential tips to help you beat the heat when temperatures skyrocket:
Stay hydrated. Avoid caffeine and stay well-hydrated. Pick isotonic sports drinks to replenish lost salts, sugars, and fluids.
Wear loose clothing in light colors. Stick to lighter colors that do not absorb the sun's heat. Select synthetic fabrics designed to wick away sweat, or opt for light, loose-fitting cotton.
Prepare a cold compress. Fill a cotton sock with rice, tie it with twine, and freeze it for two hours before bedtime. Then place it between the sheets to stay cool during hot nights.
Eat light meals. Avoid consuming heavy meals or foods high in fat, which can strain your digestive system and leave you lethargic. Instead, eat fresh foods with a high water content.
Limit physical activity. Switch to activities that won't cause overheating, such as swimming. Opt for indoor workouts in air-conditioned spaces or exercise during the coolest times of the day, like early morning or evening.
Eat something spicy. Capsaicin in hot chili peppers makes you sweat more easily, and as your sweat evaporates, it helps lower your body temperature.
When the mercury rises, our health and comfort can be at risk. But fear not, for you have the power to stay cool and safe in a heatwave. By following these tips, you can confidently face the summer heat.