Happy Labor Day Weekend!

This year, Labor Day Falls on September 4th. The date changes each year, but it is always marked on the first Monday of September.
Labor Day is a celebration that honors the contributions and accomplishments of American workers. The labor movement started in the late 19th century. Following severe turmoil, Congress approved a law declaring Labor Day a legal holiday in the District of Columbia and the territories in an effort to mend fences with American workers. President Grover Cleveland ratified it on June 28, 1894. The actual creator of Labor Day has not been uncovered for over 100 years.
Some claim that the holiday was first proposed by Matthew Maguire, a secretary of the Central Labor Union, while others attribute the idea to Peter J. McGuire, cofounder of the American Federation of Labor.
For many Americans, Labor Day weekend also signifies the end of summer, and it is marked by celebrations, parades, and sporting activities.
Labor Day Activities For Families
As the hectic days of the new school year descend upon us, Labor Day is traditionally the last day of the summer for outdoor festivities and barbecues. With a couple of enjoyable Labor Day activities for the whole family, you may enjoy the holiday with loved ones while bonding and creating memories.
Teach the kids about the holiday's true meaning. Tell the children about how Labor Day started and why people are celebrating it. Then, you can ask them about their dream jobs. If they don’t have one yet, you can help them list some cool jobs they want to do in the future.
Show appreciation. Write thank you cards to the hardworking people in your community. They could be anyone working in the police department, factories, or any friends and relatives who are working hard every day for the community.
Spend time outdoors. Make the most of the last days of summer. Visit a state park to fish or camp. Go kayaking or canoeing. Take a walk around the neighborhood. Joining a Labor Day parade. Invite friends over for a backyard barbecue. Cook hotdogs over the grill and share fun stories with everyone.
The hardworking Americans of yore declared Labor Day a holiday. Take the day off from all laborious tasks to honor them. Do no chores, order takeout so that no one has to cook or clean, and feel free to lounge about all day in your jammies. And don’t forget to spend time with your family.