Coping with Summer Heat

The heatwave can affect everyone. It can be especially fatal to younger and older people, pregnant women, and anyone who has a history of health problems. So exercise caution whenever the temperature rises.
Keeping Cool In The Heat
There are many things we can do to safeguard our loved ones and ourselves when the temperature becomes hotter than normal. Staying cool during the heat wave is a must and here’s how you can do it.
Although it is best to avoid going out during the hottest hours, sometimes it is inevitable. If you must go out, use and routinely reapply sunscreen, cover your head with a hat, and take frequent rests indoors or in a shady location. You can stay cool by donning light-colored, loose-fitting clothing.
Make sure you stay cool. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and hot beverages. Keep your body or clothes cool by taking a cool shower or putting cool water on them. It is the skin that removes heat from the body. Therefore, it is best to cool off as much skin as you can.
As you sweat all day long, you are losing liquids that need to be replaced to prevent dehydration. Replace the salts, sugars, and fluids you lose by drinking plenty of water and, if possible, isotonic sports drinks.
Making your home a place where you can escape the heat throughout the summer is crucial, therefore keeping it cool is essential to feeling comfortable. Aim to limit the amount of heat your appliances and cooking produce in the house. Avoid opening the door and windows during the day. Do it at night when the temperature is cooler to let the air circulate.
The hot weather threatens the health and well-being of people. With this advice, you'll be ready to cope with the heat.