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Articles in Category: Marketing Tips

Weekly Featured Resource - Centerpointe

Featured Resource this week - Centerpointe

Did you know that if your head isn't in the right place, you can sabotage your business and personal success? Centerpointe's premier introductory product, Holosync, gives you ALL the benefits of meditation – in a fraction of the time – and without spending years learning how...

What if you could meditate like a Zen monk, literally at the touch of a button?

  • Increase your threshold for stress…deal with the ups and down of life much more easily…protect yourself from serious physical and emotional problems caused by stress...
  • Create whole-brain thinking…dramatically increase mental abilities, creativity, learning ability, focus and concentration...
  • End anxiety, fear, anger, depression, sadness, self-sabotage, substance abuse, and overeating...
  • Be happier, more peaceful, more compassionate, more at ease...


Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - TurboDial

Featured Resource this week - TurboDial

This Personal Communicator brings the Power of Infusionsoft to your Inside Sales Campaigns!

With turboDial you never leave Infusionsoft – place a phone call to any contact at any time right from MyDay, from a saved search or from contact and opportunity records!

Plan your calls in advance or make them spontaneously – turboDial is the only solution effective for both

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - Digital Product Delivery

Featured Resource this week - Digital Product Delivery

Digital Publishing for eBooks and Downloads

DPD is an easy to use digital publishing platform for selling and delivering downloadable content. Upload your products to DPD and start selling in minutes. With DPD, all sales are paid directly to you with no per-sale fees, bandwidth charges, or commissions.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - Call Monitoring with Infusionsoft

Featured Resource this week - Call Monitoring with Infusionsoft

Call Monitoring Integrated With Infusionsoft!

Novice marketers focus on getting the lead, but experienced marketers know that the job is only done when dollars exchange hands. You can cut the cost of generating a sale by 50% or more when you monitor and track how well incoming calls are being handled.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Spooky Marketing Fun

The chill wind rustles through the paper-dry remnants of summer leaves. A hollow moon peaks out from scattered clouds. And below are a sea of ghosts and goblins, pirates, ninjas and would-be superheroes all vying to see how much candy they can accumulate.

Halloween has grown to become the second largest retail holiday behind only Christmas. In 2016, an estimated 171 million people in the U.S. spent nearly $8.2 billion dollars celebrating spirits and spooks.

Preventing the Summer Marketing Slump

Summer marketing slump. These are words no marketer wants to hear, but during the summer months it’s an unfortunate reality many marketers face. The weather is warm, and those who aren’t on vacation are thinking about it. There are a hundred and one different activities your potential customers can be doing— hiking, biking, swimming, picnicking— pretty much anything other than concentrating on what you’re trying to sell them.

Summer may have its own challenges for marketers, but a slump doesn’t have to be inevitable. Here are some ways you can avoid it:

Weekly Featured Resource - Send Out Cards

Featured Resource this week -

 Whether you are a dentist, salesperson or office worker, there has never been an easier way to send a genuine thank you, reminder or follow-up card. Greeting cards can be powerful business tools to help make sure your business clients and customers know just how important they are!

Here's an added bonus: To totally integrate your SendOutCards into marketing campaigns through your Infusionsoft or other CRM, check out Fix Your Funnel too! It's the glue between your SendOutCards and Infusionsoft.


Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - iMember360

Featured Resource this week - iMember360

WordPress Membership Plugin for Infusionsoft™

Unleash the power of WordPress and iMember360 to create your Infusionsoft™ driven membership site instantly! iMember360 - a WordPress plugin that turns a normal WordPress site into a full-featured membership site with all the protection controls you can imagine, almost limitless customization, and driven by Infusionsoft’s second-to-none CRM and e-commerce engine.


Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - Time Fusion

Featured Resource this week - Time Fusion

Automate Your Appointments

Are you using TimeTrade or Full Slate to give your clients online access for setting appointments with you? If not, you should be!

TimeFusion integrates Infusionsoft with TimeTrade and Full Slate to automate your appointment scheduling!

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Weekly Featured Resource - Copy Doodles

Weekly Featured Resource - Copy Doodles

Featured Resource this week - Copy Doodles

Handwriting and hand-drawn enhancements have been used for years in advertising and marketing because they are a proven way to grab attention and increase response and readability. There is NOTHING out there that matches the quality, expertise and level of support you get when you become a CopyDoodles member.  Their extensive library of direct-response marketing graphics features thousands of hand-drawn CopyDoodles, which can be easily downloaded to your computer and placed on any of the online or offline marketing pieces you are working on in a snap.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


Who Are You Marketing To?

“Everyone is not YOUR customer.”      ~  Seth Godin

That little nugget of wisdom is worth writing down and then pinning up where you'll see it. It makes things so much easier when you discover who your ideal customers and clients are, because then you only have to market to them. Your marketing will become less generic and more personal when you know who it is you're “speaking to.”

Celebrating July 4th in Your Business

Independence Day has a lot going for it. There’s red, white and blue, Old Glory, fireworks… maybe a barbeque with family and friends or a concert under the stars. It’s also the only major holiday in the U.S. between the end of May and Labor Day at the start of September, so why not make it the centerpiece of your summer marketing? After all, your customers have shed their winter blues and everyone wants to get out and have fun. Show some patriotic spirit, put the focus on fun consumer experiences and it’s hard to go wrong.