In addition to being one of America’s founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin was also an inventor, scientist, author, printer and a diplomat. He is well-known for having created libraries, fire departments, and the postal service. If that weren’t enough, he invented bifocals, the Franklin stove, and the lightning rod. He was involved in politics, wrote a newspaper, traveled, had an active social life and was a single father.
Franklin was also a man who made to-do lists. Mr. Franklin's lists included things like housecleaning and reading, as well as reminders to bathe and be frugal. No doubt someone as busy as Ben needed to be reminded of those things!
on Tuesday, 02 June 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy
content marketing productivity
Are you thinking of opening a larger office? Perhaps you’ve been contemplating expanding your inventory or trying a new product or service. Starting or expanding a business requires time, planning, and money. A small business loan or line of credit might be the answer; community banks and credit unions can frequently offer lower interest rates to small business owners.
But what about "free money", or a small business grant?
What kind of grants?
It may take a bit of research, but there are grants available to anyone who is interested in building their business. Many grants are out there for minorities, women, the disabled, military members, or those businesses located in rural areas. If your business is trying to recover after a natural or economic disaster, there may be special opportunities for you as well.
on Tuesday, 05 May 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy
Spring is here, and no doubt you are itching to get out and enjoy those nice warm days. Whether you want to catch a baseball game, work in the garden, or visit a local festival, it can be hard to justify taking some time off when you know you haven’t done your marketing.
Lucky for you, Infusionsoft has you covered with some simple campaigns, designed especially for small businesses.
Infusionsoft’s Campaigns of the Month posts feature great, easy-to-use campaigns (and some have video instructions as well), so you can launch these marketing campaigns and boost your business with a minimal amount of time and effort.
on Tuesday, 07 April 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy
If you could read just one book on business and marketing this year, what would it be? Well, one of the great things about the modern world is choices, and rather than confine you to just one, we’ve assembled a list of 10 books some of the top entrepreneurs are leafing through.
The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! This is a hands-on guide written by Stoney deGeyter that walks you through the process of building a website that not only attracts visitors, but increases sales.
on Tuesday, 24 March 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy
“I know every mile will be worth my while. I would go most anywhere to find where I belong.”
The words come from a song in Disney’s 1998 animated film Hercules, but they can just as easily apply to many small business owners struggling to find their place in a competitive market.Breaking in can be daunting. It often seems the competition is bigger, badder and more importantly, already entrenched. If you try to be everything to everyone, you’ll end up spreading yourself too thin. To find where you belong, sometimes you have to find your perfect niche. If you’re good at something no one else is, why not take advantage of it?
on Tuesday, 10 March 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy
With a chill wind blowing and snowflakes filling the air, thoughts of warm spring may seem like a distant dream on the horizon. Even though winter may be seem like a frozen eternity, it’s never too early to start planning your marketing for Q2. What are your goals for spring, and how will you reach them?
The marketing calendar may look a little bare at first glance, what with Christmas and the other winter holidays receding in the rear-view mirror, but the spring and early summer months have plenty to offer.
In April, there’s Easter, Thomas Jefferson's birthday and April Fool's Day for starters. Throw in Tax Day, Earth Day, Administrative Professionals Day, and Car Care Month, too.
on Tuesday, 24 February 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy, Marketing Tips
Obi Wan Kenobi. Merlin. Mister Miyagi.
In film and in stories, heroes and heroines have benefitted from the wisdom and advice of a mentor. Would you and your business benefit from someone who could provide you with knowledge, support and guidance? If your answer is yes, then it might be time to consider finding a mentor.
A mentor/protégé relationship is not one where the mentor offers his time and advice for compensation. Although paid consultants and advisors can be beneficial, a mentor is only interested in helping his or her protégé to succeed.
on Tuesday, 10 February 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy
January is almost over already. Do you know where your Q1 goal is? Like any goal, your plan for Q1 is more likely to be met if you write it down. Better yet, make your goals S.M.A.R.T.
S.M.A.R.T. goals have been around in one form or another since the early 1980’s. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and over the years they’ve been tailored to fit a wide variety of different businesses. Generally, being S.M.A.R.T means having goals that are:
on Tuesday, 27 January 2015.
Posted in Business Strategy, Marketing Tips