A big exciting announcement about JoomFuse!!
Many of you know about our recent launch (Fall 2013) of JoomFuse, the slick new app we created for Infusionsoft users to integrate with their Joomla! websites. JoomFuse totally and silently manages memberships and member access for the Joomla! site owner who has Infusionsoft.
So... drumroll please!!
JoomFuse has been accepted into the Infusionsoft 2014 Battle of the Apps contest -- and we've made it to Round 2 of the judging!!
If you are a JoomFuse client -- please, please go right now to the Infusionsoft Marketplace and give us a great review. We need your help for the judging! (Thanks in advance !)
If you are NOT a JoomFuse client - and you want a hands-off membership integration between your Joomla! website and Infusionsoft - you can sign up for JoomFuse at joomfuse.com.
Either way, we appreciate your support. Keep your fingers crossed and check back here or on www.joomfuse.com for Battle of the Apps updates!
For more about JoomFuse, go to joomfuse.com.
on Friday, 07 February 2014.
Posted in Automation News, Zacaw News
October 3, 1863
All of us at Zacaw Enterprises wish you and yours a happy, thoughtful Thanskgiving. This is something we came across about Thanskgiving and want to share with you:
"The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequalled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre
Written by Dom Cassone
on Tuesday, 05 March 2013.
Posted in Life & Lifestyle
It’s time to step up on my soapbox and rant a little about a topic that keeps rearing its ugly head lately. Maybe you’ve tripped over it too?
Business etiquette. I know, I know, you’re probably groaning and thinking - Really?? Yes really.
Here are a few examples of what I mean:
Do you answer an email or call from a prospect or client or vendor in a timely way? Or put it off and ignore it for whatever reason?
Do they respond to you or do they ignore you?
Ever contact a prospect after a lengthy valuable consultation only to have them vanish into the ether?
Written by Kerry Cassone
on Monday, 04 November 2013.
Posted in Business Strategy
business systems delegation
Courage under fire. I guess that means something different to everyone.
Today I sat with a friend who is so strong and committed, and working hard every day to stay positive, in the face of unimaginably daunting personal and familial crises. She is courage under fire.
About a decade ago, our son dealt with severe injuries from an accident, lengthy rehabilitation, and relentless daily efforts to find ways to cope with what would turn out to be chronic challenges. He is courage under fire.
Every day we see business owners face unexpected ‘fire’ aimed at their businesses from changing laws, unpredictable economic climate, fickle or disgruntled customers, intense competition. To deliver value and quality to their customers and continue to grow their business, they never give up, they just evolve. They are courage under fire.
Written by Kerry Cassone
on Sunday, 20 October 2013.
Posted in Life & Lifestyle
Let’s get engaged!
As a young girl, I was always attracted to stories. If an article in a book, magazine, newspaper, or mail piece began with a story, I was immediately engaged. If I was engaged enough, I would keep reading that article after the introductory story ended.
I’m not so young anymore but I’m still more likely to be engaged by a story in something I’m reading than something that just jumps in from the get-go. If I’m engaged, I’m more likely to buy. And as a business owner, that’s the bottom line, isn’t it?
Blogging is rampant. Many blogs are treated by the bloggers as a visible place to spill their opinions. But sprinkled in amongst the gazillion bloggers out there are a relative few really good bloggers.
Written by Kerry Cassone
on Monday, 30 September 2013.
Posted in Business Strategy
Training and consulting - your way!
Some members of the New England Infusionsoft User Group that we facilitate told us, in a recent survey, that they need more help getting their Infusionsoft application to do more work for them. So we decided to post all the resources we could think of here.
Infusionsoft recognizes the need for robust training to support their customers, along with the fact that different people learn differently and have different timelines and availability. For those reasons, Infusionsoft offers a wide variety of options for you:
Video Library (free)
Virtual Academy (free)
Written by Kerry Cassone
on Tuesday, 16 July 2013.
Posted in Automation News
infusionsoft infusionsoft help productivity
Social media for business - what are you doing to promote your business using social media? Consider if your business B2B or B2C because it can make a difference which social media platforms you concentrate on. Should you be focusing your efforts on LinkedIn or Facebook?
User Group member and social media expert Tim Ludy was our guest presenter today at the New England Infusionsoft User Group meeting. Tim answered questions and gave advice to those of us at the meeting about creating an effective plan to achieve our social media goals.
With the July Fourth holiday breathing down our necks, it was a small group but full of questions and discussion as usual. We have asked Tim to come back to speak to the full group at the September meeting about getting measurable results using social media for your businesses. He will be available to answer questions then too, so bring your social media challenges for Tim!
August is our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY meeting for the New England Infusionsoft User Group so you can expect some fun stuff in addition to some new Infusionsoft and marketing how-to’s. See you there!
We wish you all a safe, fun, and Happy Fourth of July!
Written by Kerry Cassone
on Wednesday, 03 July 2013.
Posted in Marketing Tips
Are you paying attention?
Customer service is a pet peeve of ours. The other day I ran into our favorite grocery store to pick up a few things and had a shock. To set the stage, you need to know this grocery store is not the bargain store in our area and they blatantly pride themselves on their stellar customer service.
Anyway, I went to the deli and duly pulled my numbered ticket. There’s one other customer at the deli counter, standing near me, and currently being helped. So I figure I’m next. Especially since there are several deli employees chatting together at the far end of the counter.
Written by Dom Cassone
on Monday, 20 May 2013.
Posted in Marketing Tips